Saturday 5 May 2012

Windows Desktop Backgrounds

Windows Desktop Backgrounds Biography
Mark Allen and John H. Fisher
The Essential Chaucer
"[A] selective, annotated bibliography of Chaucer studies from 1900-1984. It was first published in 1987 by G. K. Hall and Mansell Publishers Limited. The bibliography is divided into almost 90 topics, including themes, techniques, and individual works by Chaucer." Anyone who wants to read up on a new subject would do well to start here, then move on to the New Chaucer Society and Chaucer Review sites for more recent scholarship.

New Chaucer Society, Univ. of Texas (San Antonio) Library
Online Chaucer Bibliography
"The database includes the materials from the Annotated Chaucer Bibliography, 1975-1996, published in the Studies in the Age of Chaucer, volumes 1-20 (1979-98)." Excellent, but works through telnet rather than the WWW. Alan Baragona's instructions are concise and probably cannot be improved on: "When you click this link, the server will make a telnet connection [you may have to be a little patient], and you should get a screen that says UTSA, for Univ. of Texas at San Antonio. At that point, type in 'LIBRARY' and hit ENTER. Hit ENTER again, then type in 'CHAU'. To use the bibliography, follow the instructions on the screen. To quit the SAC bibliography and return to this page, type in 'stop'.)" For those who lack a telnet client, there is now a Java interface  that will let you telnet in with your web browser. In my experience, however, the Java applet is somewhat slower than a specialized telnet application, and can also introduce glitches in the Windows desktop.

Chaucer Review
The Chaucer Review: An Indexed Bibliography
Provides an index, with abstracts, of the 800 or so articles that have appeared in Chaucer Review between 1967 and 1996. Again, I cite Frank Baragona's instructions for using the bibliography: "The subject index is searchable using the Find function of your browser, and you can use the article numbers there to find the essays you want in the bibliography. For example, if you go to the index and search for 'anti-Semitism', you will find eight entries, numbered 19, 139, 268, 279, 324, 377, 747, 798. In the bibliography, search for 268, and you will find Frank, Hardy Long. 'Seeing the Prioress Whole.' 25 (1991): 229-37 with a summary of his argument. The bibliography is a large file and takes a while to load, but it is a great resource."

Thomas Bestul
Chaucernet Archives
This is not a bibliography, strictly speaking, but an archive of scholarly discussions on Chaucernet. If you are thinking about a particular topic, chances are it's been covered here, often in some detail.

Bonnie Duncan
Chaucer Bibliographies
Most of the links are broken, but includes useful instructions for using the telnet Chaucer bibliography at the University of Toronto.

Stephen R. Reimer
Chaucer Course Bibliography
Organized by topic: reference; history; social and ideological background (general, racial myths, women in the middle ages, love and marriage, sumptuary laws, the supposedly flat earth), linguistic background, literary background, and individual authors (Boethius, Ovid, the Roman de la rose, Chaucer).

Michael Hanly
A Limited Canterbury Tales Bibliography
Briefer than Reimer's bibliography (making it both more and less useful), organized by author's last name. Assembled in 1993.

Don Hoffman
English 314: Chaucer and His Age
Course syllabus that includes an "essential bibliography" (annotated).

Bonnie Duncan
Reserve Materials for Grad/Undergrad Chaucer Course
Not intended for a bibliography, but does serve as a quick checklist of book-length Chaucer studies that have proven their utility to students.

Michael Hanly
Oral Reports (from a graduate seminar)
Notes for oral reports on books and articles by S. Justman, J. Ferster, L. Patterson, P. Olson, V. A. Kolve, E. T. Donaldson, P. Knapp, M. Leicester, D. S. Brewer, C. Muscatine, R. Evans and L. Johnson, M. Keen, and B. Nolan. Also includes annotated bibliographies on travel & pilgrimage and "the Amazon voice in the Knight's Tale."

Anniina Jokinen
The Nun's Priest's Tale: An Annotated Bibliography
Excellent, though not exhaustive.

Miller Nichols LIbrary
Library Guide to Chaucer
Explains how to find articles on Chaucer (MLA bibliography, LOC subject headings, SAC bibliography, Year's Work in English Studies) and provides a short list of useful Chaucer reference works.

Alan Baragona
Chaucer: A Semi-systematic, Serendipitous Bibliography
Bibliographies ("grouped...according to their usefulness for undergraduate research"); some standard reference works and collections; and Chaucer studies.

Jane Zatta
Canterbury Tales page
Commentaries, illustrated from medieval MSS., on the background to the Knight's Tale, the Miller's Tale, the Man of Law's Tale, the Clerk's Tale, the Second Nun's Tale, the Friar's Tale, the Nun's Priest Tale, the Reeve's Tale, the Franklin's Tale, the Wife of Bath's Tale, and Chaucer's Tale of Melibee.

Susan K. Hagen
Sample Annotations
Explains how to construct an annotated bibliography (one of the assignments for Prof. Hagen's Canterbury Tales course). See also Teresa Reed's Annotated Bibliography Guidelines .

Windows Desktop Backgrounds
Windows Desktop Backgrounds
Windows Desktop Backgrounds
Windows Desktop Backgrounds
Windows Desktop Backgrounds
Windows Desktop Backgrounds 
Windows Desktop Backgrounds
Windows Desktop Backgrounds
Windows 7 - Change Desktop Background
How to Change Desktop Background in Windows 7

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